(found 500 schools, updated in January 2017)
The Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) profession offers an interesting field of health care work and an excellent employment outlook. It is considered an entry-level position in the nursing field, giving people an opportunity to experience hands-on patient care in a paid position with a minimum amount of training. Certified Nurse Aides are also known as Certified Nursing Assistants or Certified Nurse Assistants. In the following sections there is an in-depth discussion of the five steps to becoming a CNA in California.
Step 1: Select One of the Three Paths to Becoming a CNA in California
California offers three paths to getting certified as a Certified Nursing Assistant. The three paths accommodate residents and non-residents alike, utilizing training requirements, CNA certification status, and/or work experience to determine the correct path.
Common Acronyms and Forms
There are several common acronyms used to refer to State of California agencies and organizations responsible for the training, certification, and registration of CNAs. These acronyms appear with great frequency on the California Department of Public Health website, so it helps to be familiar with them.
- CDPH – California Department of Public Health
- NNAAP – National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination
- NCSBN – National Council of State Boards of Nursing
- Pearson VUE – authorized administrator of the NNAAP
Three Approved Paths in California
The first step to becoming a CNA in California is understanding the three approved paths.
Path 1: Take Training and Complete State Exam
Completing a California Department of Public Health-approved nursing assistant training program and completing the Competency Evaluation exam is the traditional path for students who have no prior CNA training.
Path 2: Proving Equivalent CNA Training
This path involves getting credit for being enrolled in, or completing, a designated program and taking the Competency Evaluation exam. Training in a CDPH-approved program may be waived under certain circumstances when the CNA applicant:
- Is enrolled in, or has completed, a program to become a Registered Nurse, Licensed Vocational Nurse, or Licensed Psychiatric Technician
- Received relevant training while in the military
- Received a CNA license from another U.S. state or a foreign country
Nursing students may choose to become a Certified Nursing Assistant in order to expand their work options. The applicant is still required to take the Competency Evaluation exam and must submit proof of training and of paid work providing nursing or nursing-related services to facility residents within the last two years.
Path 3: Getting Reciprocity Approval
When an applicant has active CNA certification and is properly registered in another state’s registry, the state of California may approve obtaining certification in California without taking additional CNA training or the Competency Evaluation exam. The applicant must provide proof that he or she was paid to provide nursing or nursing-related services to facility residents within the last two years.
The two-year work requirement in paths two and three is only waived if the applicant is currently enrolled in an appropriate program or certification was obtained within the last two years.
Background Check and Criminal Record Clearance
You must also pass a fingerprint background check and receive a criminal record clearance. The process is initiated by submitting the BCIA 8016 form, which is the California Department of Justice’s “Request for Live Scan Service” form. The form is used for fingerprint checking. The first copy goes to the Live Scan Operator, and the second copy is submitted with the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and/or Home Health Aide (HHA) Initial Application to the ATCS when the student enrolls in the 120-hour CNA training program, requests credit for equivalency training, or requests reciprocity.
Step 2: Complete Required Training
When enrolling in a CDPH-approved CNA training program, you will complete the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and/or Home Health Aide (HHA) Initial Application. Submitting the application to the ATCS is free. The application asks for contact information, if you have been convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic violation, if you are enrolling in a CNA training program, the name of the training facility or school, and whether you have equivalent training or reciprocity from another state. The CNA application must be signed by the registered nurse who is responsible for supervising the student’s training. There are different types of CNA training programs such as day programs, evening programs, weekend programs and so on.
Minimum Requirements
You must meet the following minimum requirements before CNA training can be approved:
- Meet minimum entrance requirements established by the facility where the CDPH-approved training program is offered
- Meet the age requirement of 16 years (for most CNA schools)
- Have a high school degree, required for facility training
- Get fingerprinted through the Live Scan process so the California Department of Justice can conduct a background check
- Have a health examination prior to coming in contact with patients which includes:
- Medical history
- hysical examination
- Tuberculosis test (recommended by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and licensed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA))
A physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner can sign the health examination report. Many training programs also require students to pass a drug test.
CNA training programs are offered at nursing facilities, agencies, and public educational institutions. The student earns their certificate as a Nurse Assistant upon program completion and becomes certified after passing a Competency Evaluation exam. Anyone who has completed a state-approved training program is fully prepared to take the competency exam and earn CNA certification.
Training Providers
The places offering CNA programs are grouped into two types of training providers: a School Nurse Assistant Certification Training Program (non-facility) and a Skilled Nursing Facility Nurse Assistant Certification Training Program (facility). A school has a written agreement with a long-term care clinical facility where students obtain their clinical training, while students in a program at skilled nursing facilities complete their clinical training on-site.
Students should only attend approved CNA training programs, which means they have been reviewed by the California Department of Public Health. The list of currently approved training programs at facilities and non-facilities is found at CDPH.ca.gov. With hundreds of Certified Nursing Assistant schools located throughout the state, there should be a program that is accessible to most students.
Student costs include tuition, fees, books, supplies, CPR certification, and the CNA certification exam fee. Students also have to pay a registration fee, physical exam fee, and PPD test fee, and purchase a uniform with shoes. The estimated total cost can go up to $1,800, depending on where you choose to attend CNA training in California. However, there are also opportunities for free tuition. For example, in the summer and fall 2016, the tuition was free at Los Angeles Mission College because the program was funded by the LAH3C grant. Students were still required to pay fees like the health fee, parking fee, and student organization fees.
The California Code of Regulations requires a Certified Nursing Assistant training program to consist of a minimum of 100 hours of clinical training, and 50 hours of classroom instruction or theory. Some programs are longer. For example, the northern California American Red Cross offers Certified Nursing Assistant classes in Santa Rosa, Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento. This is a 180-hour course that includes 63 hours of theory and lab work, 100 hours of clinical training, and 17 hours of other enhancements. Most programs are completed in less than nine weeks.
How to Select a School
Each program is supervised by the organization’s Director of Staffing Development or an instructor, and the student must demonstrate patient care skills learned under the immediate supervision of the instructor, Director of Staffing Development, or other licensed nurse who has no other responsibilities while supervising students.
A certified training program has been assessed by the CDPH to ensure that it meets all legal and regulatory requirements. Other factors to consider when you are choosing a CNA training program are:
- Completion rate
- Percent of graduates employed within six months of program completion
- Cost
- Length
- Student reviews
- Location
- Clinical training facility
You complete clinical training while you complete classroom training. All clinical training takes place in a nursing facility.
The entire CNA curriculum includes courses that cover the required information in 16 modules that are defined by the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22, Division 5, Chapter 2.5, section 71835. The California program requirements exceed the Title 42, Federal Code of Regulations. The 16 modules covered in the curriculum are:
- Introduction – CNA roles and responsibilities
- Patient Rights
- Interpersonal skills – communications and sociocultural factors
- Prevention and Management of Catastrophe and Unusual Occurrences – emergency, safety rules, fire and disaster plans, patient safety
- Body Mechanics – basic rules, transfer techniques, ambulation, positioning techniques
- Medical and Surgical Asepsis – micro-organisms, infection control
- Weights and Measures – metric system; weight, length, and liquid volume; military time
- Patient Care Skills – bathing, dressing, oral hygiene, hair and nail care, prosthetic devices, skin care, elimination needs, weighing and measuring patients
- Patient Care Procedures – collection of specimens, care of patients with tubing, bed making, intake and output, cleansing enemas and laxative suppositories, admission and discharge, bandages and dressings
- Vital Signs – normal ranges; methods of measurement; temperature, pulse, and respiration; blood pressure; abnormalities; recording
- Nutrition – feeding techniques and diet therapy
- Emergency procedures – signs of distress, interventions, emergency codes
- Long-Term Care Patient – needs of person with developmental and mental disorders; physical and behavioral needs and changes; community resources, anatomy and physiology; psychological, social, and recreational needs; common diseases and disorders
- Rehabilitative Nursing – promoting patients’ potential, devices and equipment, daily living, family interactions, ambulation, range of motion, complications of inactivity
- Observation and Charting – documenting, patient care plan, legal issues of charting, medical terminology
- Death and Dying – stages of grief, rights of the dying, signs of approaching death, patient monitoring, postmortem care
The CCR also sets the minimum number of theory hours and clinical hours per module. For example, Module 3, Interpersonal Skills, requires two theory hours of study and zero clinical hours. Module 5, Body Mechanics, requires two theory hours and four clinical hours. The curriculum for each training program lists the course module/title, provides a basic course description for each module, and states the theory, lab, and clinical hours for each module.
Some training programs offer online coursework. For example, the Caregiver Training Institute offers a Certified Nursing Assistant training program that consists of 53 hours of online classroom work, physical lab days, and a 75-hour clinical rotation.
396 State-Approved Certified Nurse Aide Classes in California
There are 396 schools offering CNA classes in California including facility based nurse assistant training programs. You can sort the list to find local training programs.
County | City | CNA Program Provider | Phone |
Los Angeles | Alhambra | Platt College plattcollege.edu | (626) 300-5444 |
Orange | Anaheim | North Orange County ROP www.nocrop.org | (714) 502-5959 |
Orange | Anaheim | Coast Health Career College coasthealthcareercollege.com | (714) 776-8405 |
Contra Costa | Antioch | Pass Institute | (925) 754-2879 |
San Luis Obispo | Arroyo Grande | Arroyo Grande Care Center arroyograndecare.com | (805) 489-8137 |
Los Angeles | Artesia | Angeles Institute | (562) 531-4100 |
San Luis Obispo | Atascadero | Danish Care Center danishcarecenter.com | (805) 466-9254 |
Placer | Auburn | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (530) 889-0707 |
Placer | Auburn | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Elisha University | (661) 381-7571 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Bakersfield College www.bakersfieldcollege.edu | (616) 395-4282 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Preferred College of Nursing Bakersfield | (661) 324-2509 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Bakersfield Adult School bas.kernhigh.org | (661) 835-1855 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Vena Health Education Institute www.venahealth.net | (661) 861-1482 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Southern California Medical College scmcollege.com | (661) 832-2786 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Golden Living Training Center | (661) 324-7756 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Kern High School ROP roc.kernhigh.org | (661) 831-3327 |
Riverside | Banning | Cherry Valley Health Care cherryvalleyhealthcare.com | (951) 845-1606 |
Contra Costa | Bay Point | Advanced Medical School of Nursing 4amsn.com | (925) 458-4980 |
Los Angeles | Bell | Computer Institute of Tech | (626) 627-1730 |
Alameda | Berkeley | Berkeley Adult School bas.berkeleyschools.net | (510) 644-6130 |
San Bernardino | Big Bear Lake | Bear Valley Community Hospital Dp/Snf www.bvchd.com | (909) 866-6501 |
Inyo | Bishop | Cerro Coso Community College www.cerrocoso.edu | (760) 872-1000 |
Riverside | Blythe | Palo Verde College www.paloverde.edu | (760) 921-5444 |
Contra Costa | Brentwood | Adult School Allied Health Educators Liberty Adult libertyadulted.org | (925) 255-3715 |
Los Angeles | Burbank | Burbank Adult School | (818) 558-4611 |
San Mateo | Burlingame | Niles College www.nilescollegellc.com | (650) 212-3100 |
Ventura | Camarillo | Ventura County ROP | (805) 388-4421 |
Los Angeles | Canoga Park | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Los Angeles | Canoga Park | Breath of Life Global Services breathoflifeglobalservices.com | (919) 749-2414 |
Los Angeles | Canoga Park | West Hills Health and Rehab Center www.westhillsrehabilitation.com | (818) 347-3800 |
Los Angeles | Carson | Atrium School www.atriumnursingschool.webs.com | (310) 251-5965 |
Los Angeles | Carson | Pathways College pathwayscollege.com | (310) 225-2702 |
Monterey | Castroville | North Monterey County High School | (831) 633-5221 |
Modoc | Cedarville | Surprise Valley Community Hospital svhospital.org | (530) 279-6111 |
Plumas | Chester | Feather River College - Seneca www.frc.edu | (530) 258-2151 |
Butte | Chico | Windsor Chico Care Center | (916) 343-6084 |
Butte | Chico | Windsor Chico Creek Care & Rehab Center | (916) 345-1306 |
Madera | Chowchilla | Golden Living Training Center | (209) 384-8839 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | Chula Vista Adult School - Fredericka cva.sweetwaterschools.org | (619) 691-5500 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | Eastlake Medical College www.eastlakemedicalcollege.com | (619) 616-5833 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | San Diego Medical College of Nursing School of Eastlake www.sandiegomedicalschool.com | (619) 942-8274 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | Southwestern College www.swccd.edu | (619) 421-6700 |
Sacramento | Citrus Heights | Sunrise School of Nursing | (916) 221-2854 |
Los Angeles | City of Industry | Angeles College | (626) 965-5566 |
Lake | Clear Lake | Meadowood Nursing Center www.meadowoodnursingcenter.com | (707) 994-7738 |
Lake | Clear Lake | Lake County Office of Education www.lakecoe.org | (707) 995-9523 |
Fresno | Clovis | Clovis Adult School www.clovisadultschool.com | (559) 327-2800 |
Fresno | Coalinga | West Hills College www.westhillscollege.com | (559) 925-3145 |
San Bernardino | Colton | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
San Bernardino | Colton | Health Sciences College of California hscc-edu.com | (909) 824-5300 |
San Bernardino | Colton | Summit Career College www.summitcollege.edu | (909) 422-8950 |
Los Angeles | Commerce | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Los Angeles | Compton | Compton Adult School www.compton.k12.ca.us/index.aspx | (310) 898-6470 |
Contra Costa | Concord | American College of Nursing | (925) 689-9900 |
Contra Costa | Concord | Maven Academy of Arts & Science | (877) 300-5714 |
Riverside | Corona | Pacific Times Healthcare College www.pthcedu.com | (951) 734-1601 |
Orange | Costa Mesa | Coastline Rop www.coastlinerop.net | (714) 979-1955 |
Orange | Costa Mesa | Health Care Academy www.healthcare-academy.net | (949) 223-0700 |
Los Angeles | Covina | Golden State Healthcare Education Center | (626) 343-5589 |
Los Angeles | Covina | East San Gabriel Valley ROP-Covina High School www.esgvrop.org | (626) 472-5101 |
Del Norte | Crescent City | CNA Training Center | (707) 465-4186 |
Los Angeles | Culver City | West Los Angeles College Allied Health Center www.wlac.edu | (310) 287-4464 |
Orange | Cypress | Nurses' Development Center nursesdevelopmentcenter.com | (562) 403-2115 |
San Mateo | Daly City | Providence Vocational School www.myprovidence.net | (650) 991-2309 |
San Mateo | Daly City | Bay Area College of Nursing, Inc. | (650) 755-6888 |
San Mateo | Daly City | Northern California Nursing Academy ncnursingacademy.com | (650) 992-6262 |
San Mateo | Daly City | Centerpointe Learning Institute www.centerpointelearning.com | (650) 991-9800 |
Yolo | Davis | Prentice James Career College | (800) 590-1190 |
Yolo | Davis | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (866) 623-1183 |
Kern | Delano | North Kern Vocational Training Center nkvtc.org | (661) 725-4187 |
Kern | Delano | Delano Adult School www.djuhsd.org/Domain/12 | (661) 720-4173 |
Tulare | Dinuba | Valley ROP/Dinuba High School dhs.dinuba.k12.ca.us | (559) 876-2122 |
Tulare | Dinuba | Valley ROP/Sierra Vista High School sierravista.dinuba.k12.ca.us | (559) 480-7190 |
San Diego | El Cajon | Western Medical Training Center wmtc.info | (619) 384-9335 |
San Diego | El Cajon | El Dorado Care Center | (619) 440-1211 |
Imperial | El Centro | Imperial Valley ROP www.ivrop.org | (760) 482-2600 |
Los Angeles | El Monte | El Monte Rosemead Adult www.emras.edu | (626) 258-5882 |
Los Angeles | El Monte | Regan Career Institute www.regancareer.com | (626) 457-1992 |
Los Angeles | El Monte | Southcal Career College | (626) 575-8580 |
Los Angeles | El Monte | Technical College | (323) 587-2364 |
Sonoma | Eldridge | Sonoma Developmental Center www.dds.ca.gov | (707) 938-6318 |
Sacramento | Elk Grove | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Sacramento | Elk Grove | Sacramento County Elk Grove Explore CTE/Valley | (916) 686-7717 |
San Diego | Escondido | Escondido Adult School www.euhsd.org | (760) 739-7300 |
Humboldt | Eureka | Eureka Adult School | (707) 441-2448 |
Humboldt | Eureka | Pacific Rehabilitation & Wellness | (707) 443-9767 |
Humboldt | Eureka | Eureka Rehabilitation & Wellness Center | (707) 445-3261 |
Humboldt | Eureka | Seaview Rehabilitation & Wellness Center seaviewrehabwc.com | (707) 443-5668 |
Solano | Fairfield | Northbay Nursing Institute www.northbaynursing.com | (707) 399-9456 |
Solano | Fairfield | Fairfield-Suisun Adult School www.fsusd.org | (707) 421-4155 |
Solano | Fairfield | Solano Community College www.solano.edu | (707) 864-7208 |
San Bernardino | Fontana | Fontana High School www.fusd.net | (909) 357-5490 |
San Bernardino | Fontana | Agape Vocational Academy www.pfccsite.org | (909) 829-2055 |
Mendocino | Fort Bragg | Sherwood Oaks Health Center sherwoodoakshealthcenter.com | (707) 964-6333 |
Humboldt | Fortuna | Fortuna Rehabilitation and Wellness Center fortunarehabwc.com | (707) 725-4467 |
Alameda | Fremont | Medical Career College www.medcareercollege.com | (510) 445-0319 |
Alameda | Fremont | Adult School Allied Health Educators, Inc. | (510) 879-7166 |
Alameda | Fremont | Mission Valley ROP www.mvrop.org | (510) 657-6124 |
Fresno | Fresno | California Institute Of Medical Science www.cims.edu | (559) 490-3911 |
Fresno | Fresno | Central High School USD/Fresno ROP | (559) 276-5276 |
Fresno | Fresno | Fresno Adult School | (559) 457-6000 |
Fresno | Fresno | Central Learning Adult School Site cl.centralunified.org | (559) 276-5230 |
Fresno | Fresno | Duncan Polytechnical High School/ROP www.fresnou.org/schools/duncan | (559) 248-7080 |
Fresno | Fresno | Nursing Assistant Academy of Fresno www.cnacademy.com | (559) 917-6121 |
Fresno | Fresno | Golden Living Training Center | (559) 430-3901 |
Fresno | Fresno | Golden Living Center - Country View | (559) 275-4785 |
Orange | Garden Grove | California Career Institute calinstitute.edu | (714) 539-5959 |
Orange | Garden Grove | Hy-Lond Home for Exceptional Children | (714) 531-8741 |
Los Angeles | Gardena | Trinity School of Health and Allied Sciences tshas.edu | (310) 834-3065 |
Los Angeles | Gardena | Gerthill Allied Health School www.gerthillalliedhealthschool-gcoo.com | (424) 329-3030 |
Los Angeles | Gardena | Central Nursing College cncusa.edu | (213) 384-4789 |
Santa Clara | Gilroy | Gavilan College www.gavilan.edu | (408) 848-4883 |
Los Angeles | Glendale | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (818) 539-9931 |
LOS ANGELES | Glendale | ADL Nursing School adlnursingschool14.com | (818) 539-0945 |
Los Angeles | Glendale | Amhs | (818) 637-7871 |
Los Angeles | Glendora | Citrus College Health Occupations www.citruscollege.edu/Pages/Default.aspx | (626) 914-8720 |
Los Angeles | Glendora | Azusa Adult School www.azusaadult.edu | (626) 852-8400 |
Los Angeles | Glendora | East Valley College www.eastvalleycollege.com | (866) 204-6390 |
Los Angeles | Granada Hills | C&S Health Education Services | (818) 366-2350 |
Nevada | Grass Valley | Golden Empire Nursing & Rehab Center www.goldenempiresnf.com | (530) 273-1316 |
Nevada | Grass Valley | School of Care | (530) 278-5015 |
Kings | Hanford | Kings County Office of Education ROP/Sierra Pacific HS www.kings.k12.ca.us | (559) 589-7026 |
Kings | Hanford | Hanford Adult School www.hjuhsd.k12.ca.us | (559) 583-5905 |
Alameda | Hayward | Unitek College www.unitekcollege.edu | (510) 785-0454 |
Alameda | Hayward | NCP Career College | (510) 785-0454 |
Alameda | Hayward | Advanced Pro Nursing Institute www.apnursing.com | (510) 266-0868 |
Alameda | Hayward | Academy of Health Careers www.academyofhealthcareer.com | (510) 712-4009 |
San Bernardino | Hesperia | Reach Centers, Inc. www.reachcenters.org | (909) 483-9100 |
Imperial | Imperial | Imperial Valley College www.imperial.edu | (760) 355-6348 |
San Diego | Imperial Beach | San Diego Job Corps sandiego.jobcorps.gov | (619) 429-8500 |
Riverside | Indio | Riverside County Office of Education www.rcoe.us | (760) 863-3300 |
Los Angeles | Inglewood | Care Training Services dev.caretrainingsvcs.com | (310) 674-1701 |
Los Angeles | Inglewood | Care Training Services dev.caretrainingsvcs.com | (310) 674-1701 |
Amador | Jackson | Kit Carson Nursing and Rehabilitation Center www.kitcarsonnr.com | (209) 223-2231 |
San Bernardino | Joshua Tree | Copper Mountain Community College District www.cmccd.edu | (760) 366-3791 |
Fresno | Kingsburg | Valley ROP/Kingsburg High School www.khsvikings.com | (559) 876-2122 |
Fresno | Kingsburg | Valley ROP/Kingsburg High School Adult www.khsvikings.com | (559) 348-3427 |
Los Angeles | La Puente | Hacienda La Puente Adult Education www.hlpae.com | (626) 934-2800 |
Los Angeles | Lancaster | Saint Joseph's School of Nursing stjson.edu | (661) 726-5060 |
Kings | Lemoore | West Hills College www.westhillscollege.com | (559) 925-3490 |
Kings | Lemoore | Kings County ROP www.kings.k12.ca.us | (559) 589-7026 |
Los Angeles | Lennox | Technical College | (323) 587-2364 |
Tulare | Lindsay | Lindsay Unified School District-Lindsay HS www.lindsay.k12.ca.us | (559) 562-5911 |
Tulare | Lindsay | Lindsay Unified School District www.lindsay.k12.ca.us | (559) 562-5911 |
San Joaquin | Lodi | Vienna Nursing and Rehabilitation Center www.viennanursingrehab.com | (209) 368-7141 |
Santa Barbara | Lompoc | Lompoc Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center www.lifegen.net | (805) 735-4010 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | Trident School of Nursing tridentnursingschool.com | (714) 507-8270 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | Long Beach School for Adults | (562) 595-8893 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | Goodwill of Southern Los Angeles | (562) 435-3411 |
Santa Clara | Los Altos | Presto Vocational Institute prestonursing.com | (650) 961-9988 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Los Angeles Job Corps losangeles.jobcorps.gov | (213) 741-5361 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Lausd Dace Maxine Waters EPC | (323) 564-1431 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Genova Health Institute www.genovahealthinstitute.com | (213) 383-7487 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Los Angeles Southwest College www.lasc.edu | (323) 241-5247 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Blue Heart Career Institute | (818) 397-5690 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | United Healthcare Careers College infouhcc.com | (213) 384-0900 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Difai City College difaicitycollege.com | (323) 750-0449 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | New Technology Training Institute | (818) 247-0989 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Career College Consultants www.career-college.edu/index.html | (213) 867-0567 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | American Medical Careers www.americanmedicalcareers.org | (213) 355-5306 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Advance Career Institute advancecareerinstitute.com | (213) 368-6006 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Angeles College | (213) 487-2211 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Angeles Vocational Institute | (213) 480-4882 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Lausd Dace LA Technology Center www.latcdace.com | (323) 732-0153 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Lausd Dace East LA Skills Center home.lausd.net | (323) 224-5970 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | YAYA Medical Training Institute | (913) 530-7877 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Zero-Max Career Institute zeromaxci.com | (323) 570-4127 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | CET Nursing www.cetnursing.com | (213) 381-2500 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | LA School Nursing Career www.laschoolcareer.com | (323) 852-1882 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Lausd ROP/Little Company of Mary | (213) 745-1940 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Lausd ROP/Narbonne High School | (213) 745-1940 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Westchester College of Nursing and Allied Health www.westchestercollege.edu | (310) 645-9415 |
Merced | Los Banos | Merced College www.mccd.edu | (209) 826-3431 |
Los Angeles | Lynwood | Lynwood Community Adult School lcas.lynwood.k12.ca.us | (310) 604-3096 |
Madera | Madera | Madera South High School www.madera.k12.ca.us | (559) 675-4450 |
Madera | Madera | Madera Adult School www.madera.k12.ca.us | (559) 675-4425 |
Mariposa | Mariposa | John C. Fremont Healthcare District www.jcf-hospital.com | (209) 966-3631 |
Yuba | Marysville | Tri-County ROP Yuba County www.tricountyrop.com | (530) 749-4805 |
Kern | Mc Farland | Bakersfield College - Mcfarland Learning Center www.bakersfieldcollege.edu | (661) 395-4281 |
Riverside | Menifee | Mt. San Jacinto College www.msjc.edu | (951) 672-6752 |
San Mateo | Menlo Park | Jobtrain www.jobtrainworks.org | (650) 330-6429 |
Merced | Merced | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 384-8839 |
Merced | Merced | WestMed College www.westmedcollege.edu | (209) 386-6300 |
Merced | Merced | Merced College www.mccd.edu | (209) 384-6128 |
San Mateo | Millbrae | Millbrae Skilled Care | (650) 583-8937 |
Santa Clara | Milpitas | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (408) 719-8100 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Modesto City Schools www.mcs4kids.com | (209) 576-4164 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Garden City Healthcare Center gardencityhealthcare.com | (209) 524-4817 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Casa De Modesto www.casademodesto.org | (209) 529-4950 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 548-0318 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Windsor Post-Acute Healthcare Center of Modesto windsormodesto.com | (209) 577-1055 |
Stanislaus | Modesto | Modesto Junior College - West Campus www.mjc.edu | (209) 573-6382 |
Los Angeles | Monrovia | LA/Monrovia Community Adult School monroviaadultschool.com | (626) 471-3060 |
Monterey | Monterey | Monterey Peninsula Unified School District www.mpusd.k12.ca.us | (831) 645-1231 |
Riverside | Moreno Valley | Just Harmony Nursing Services, Inc. justharmonynursing.weebly.com | (951) 452-9819 |
Riverside | Moreno Valley | Pacific Times Healthcare College www.pthcedu.com | (951) 656-4400 |
Riverside | Moreno Valley | National Legal Studies Institute | (951) 653-4240 |
San Luis Obispo | Morro Bay | Bayside Care Center baysidecarecenter.com | (805) 772-2237 |
Santa Clara | Mountain View | Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School | (650) 940-1333 |
Riverside | Murrieta | Country Villa Murrieta Health and Rehabilitation Center | (951) 600-4640 |
Riverside | Murrieta | Trinity Health Academy www.thacourses.com | (877) 332-9080 |
Napa | Napa | Napa Valley USD Adult Education www.adulted.nvusd.k12.ca.us | (707) 253-3594 |
Napa | Napa | Department of State Hospitals www.dsh.ca.gov/napa | (707) 253-5383 |
San Diego | National City | The Nurse Academy www.thenurseacademy.com | (619) 488-3460 |
San Diego | National City | National City Adult School nca.sweetwaterschools.org | (619) 336-9400 |
Stanislaus | Newman | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 862-2862 |
Los Angeles | North Hollywood | Anderson Medical Career College | (818) 762-7095 |
Los Angeles | North Hollywood | Computer Institute of Technology | (818) 980-0415 |
Los Angeles | Norwalk | Healthcare Career Center www.healthcare-career-center.com | (562) 868-0946 |
Los Angeles | Norwalk | LA/Southeast ROP www.southeastrop.org | (562) 860-1927 |
Madera | Oakhurst | Oakhurst Healthcare and Wellness Center oakhursthc.com | (559) 683-2244 |
Alameda | Oakland | Quest Nursing Education Center questnursingschool.com | (510) 452-1444 |
Alameda | Oakland | Bellaken Skilled Nursing Center www.bellaken.com | (510) 536-1838 |
Alameda | Oakland | Fruitvale Healthcare Center | (510) 261-5613 |
Alameda | Oakland | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
Alameda | Oakland | Nightingale Healthcare Professionals LLC www.nightingalehealthcareprofessionals.com | (510) 553-1800 |
San Diego | Oceanside | Healthcare Academy of California healthcareacademycalifornia.com | (760) 232-4050 |
San Diego | Oceanside | Mira Costa College www.miracosta.edu | (619) 757-2121 |
San Bernardino | Ontario | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
San Bernardino | Ontario | Platt College plattcollege.edu | (909) 941-9410 |
Orange | Orange | Santiago Canyon College www.sccollege.edu | (714) 628-496 |
Tulare | Orosi | Valley ROP/Orosi High School ohs.cojusd.org | (559) 686-3296 |
Butte | Oroville | Oroville Adult School orovilleadulted.com | (530) 538-5350 |
Butte | Oroville | Butte College www.butte.edu | (916) 895-2328 |
Ventura | Oxnard | Oxnard Adult School Camarillo Vocational Center www.oxnardadulted.us | (805) 385-2578 |
Ventura | Oxnard | Ventura Training Institute www.venturatraininginstitute.com | (805) 585-5485 |
Riverside | Palm Desert | College of the Desert www.collegeofthedesert.edu | (760) 346-8041 |
Riverside | Palm Springs | California Nurses Educational Institute, Inc. www.cnei.edu | (760) 416-5955 |
Santa Clara | Palo Alto | Bay Area College of Nursing, Inc. | (650) 858-6810 |
Los Angeles | Panorama City | St. Jude Nursing School www.stjudenursingschool.com | (818) 892-6141 |
Butte | Paradise | Paradise Instructional Nursing Group www.pingeducation.net | (530) 520-7948 |
Los Angeles | Paramount | InfoTech Career College www.infotech.edu | (562) 804-1239 |
Fresno | Parlier | Valley ROP/Parlier High School Adult | (559) 480-7190 |
Los Angeles | Pasadena | Pasadena City College pasadena.edu | (626) 585-7324 |
Stanislaus | Patterson | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (866) 623-1183 |
Contra Costa | Pinole | Nightingale Healthcare Professionals | (510) 964-9210 |
Contra Costa | Pinole | Contra Costa Nursing Academy | (510) 724-8700 |
Contra Costa | Pittsburg | Pittsburg Adult Education Center www.pittsburg.k12.ca.us/paec | (925) 473-4460 |
Contra Costa | Pittsburg | Advanced Medical School of Nursing 4amsn.com | (925) 458-4980 |
El Dorado | Placerville | Gold Country Health Center | (530) 621-1100 |
Contra Costa | Pleasant Hill | Pass Institute | (925) 783-4114 |
Los Angeles | Pomona | American Medical Career College www.amccpomona.magix.net | (310) 936-7670 |
Tulare | Porterville | Porterville Unified School District www.portervilleschools.org | (559) 782-7210 |
Tulare | Porterville | Porterville Adult School | (559) 782-7030 |
San Diego | Poway | Poway Adult School www.powayusd.com | (858) 668-4024 |
Plumas | Quincy | Feather River College www.frc.edu | (530) 283-0202 |
San Bernardino | Rancho Cucamonga | Chaffey College www.chaffey.edu | (909) 652-6686 |
San Bernardino | Rancho Cucamonga | Reach Centers www.reachcenters.org | (909) 483-9100 |
Tehama | Red Bluff | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (866) 623-1183 |
Shasta | Redding | Shasta College www.shastacollege.edu | (530) 339-3610 |
Shasta | Redding | Golden Living Training Center | (800) 417-3310 |
Shasta | Redding | Shasta Trinity ROP www.strop.org | (530) 246-3302 |
San Bernardino | Redlands | Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa ROP www.cryrop.org | (909) 793-3115 |
Fresno | Reedley | Valley ROP-Reedley High School www.valleyrop.net | (559) 876-2122 |
Fresno | Reedley | Valley ROP/Reedley High School rhs.kcusd.com | (559) 876-2122 |
Los Angeles | Reseda | Valley School of Nursing | (818) 206-5254 |
Los Angeles | Reseda | Annenberg School of Nursing | (818) 757-4431 |
Contra Costa | Richmond | West Contra Costa Adult Education wccae.info | (510) 215-4666 |
Kern | Ridgecrest | Cerro Coso Community College www.cerrocoso.edu | (760) 384-6333 |
Riverside | Riverside | Redemption Career Academy | (951) 284-5165 |
Riverside | Riverside | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Riverside | Riverside | Glen Oaks College glenoakscollege.com | (951) 683-8300 |
Riverside | Riverside | Riverside County Office of Education riversidesce.org | (951) 826-4928 |
Riverside | Riverside | Mission Career College missioncareercollege.com | (951) 688-7411 |
Placer | Rocklin | Sierra Community College www.sierracollege.edu | (916) 781-6222 |
Sonoma | Rohnert Park | North Bay CNA Training Program www.nbcna.com | (707) 304-4131 |
Los Angeles | Rosemead | Select Therapy Institute www.st-inst.com | (626) 572-7231 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Sacramento Job Corporation sacramento.jobcorps.gov | (916) 394-0770 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | SacMed Training www.sacmedtraining.com | (916) 226-5427 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | American River College | (916) 484-8176 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Charles A Jones Career & Education Center caj.scusd.edu | (916) 433-2600 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Curam College of Nursing curamcollege.com | (916) 427-4400 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Mary Seacole Nursing Care Training www.maryseacolenursing.com | (916) 525-7179 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Centerpointe Learning Institute www.centerpointelearning.com | (916) 662-9408 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Sacramento County Elk Grove Adult/Valley | (916) 686-7709 |
Monterey | Salinas | Central Coast College www.centralcoastcollege.edu | (831) 424-6767 |
Monterey | Salinas | Mission Trails Regional Occupational Program www.salinasuhsd.org | (831) 753-4307 |
Calaveras | San Andreas | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 754-4122 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | Inland Career Education Center www.sbcusd.com | (909) 388-6052 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (909) 380-7255 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | Mission Career College missioncareercollege.com | (909) 888-2653 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | Eastlake Medical College | (619) 616-5833 |
San Diego | San Diego | Pacific Health Educational Center www.pacifichealthedu.info | (858) 658-0362 |
San Diego | San Diego | San Diego Continuing Education www.sdce.edu | (619) 388-1910 |
San Diego | San Diego | Life House San Diego Healthcare Center www.lifehousehs.com | (858) 277-6460 |
San Diego | San Diego | Fast Track Medical Training Center www.fasttrackmedicaltraining.com | (858) 228-7564 |
San Diego | San Diego | California Medical College www.californiamedicalcollege.edu | (858) 357-8800 |
San Diego | San Diego | International Health Group, Inc. www.ihgcna.net | (858) 278-9800 |
San Diego | San Diego | Brightwood College San Diego www.brightwood.edu | (858) 279-4500 |
San Diego | San Diego | Global CNA and Healthcare Educational Center | (888) 722-0202 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | American Care Quest | (415) 885-9100 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | City College of San Francisco - Southeast www.ccsf.edu | (415) 550-4300 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | Arriba Juntos www.arribajuntos.org | (415) 487-3240 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | Jewish Home of San Francisco jhsf.org | (415) 334-2500 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | University of San Francisco www.usfca.edu | (415) 824-2052 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | Bay Area Medical Academy www.bamasf.com | (415) 217-0077 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | South Bay School of Nursing www.thesouthbayschoolofnursing.com | (408) 564-7242 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | Edward Medical Training Center www.edwardmedicaltrainingcenter.com | (408) 661-8774 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | Evergreen Valley College www.evc.edu | (408) 270-6448 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | Bay Area College of Nursing, Inc. | (650) 858-6810 |
Alameda | San Leandro | VIP Nursing School, Inc. www.vipnursing.net | (510) 481-0240 |
Alameda | San Leandro | San Leandro Adult School | (510) 618-4420 |
San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo | Mission View Health Center missionviewhealthcenter.com | (805) 543-0210 |
San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo | Bella Vista Transitional Care Center bellavistatransitional.com | (805) 544-5100 |
San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo | Casa De Vida | (805) 544-5332 |
San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo | Cuesta College www.cuesta.edu | (805) 546-3241 |
San Diego | San Marcos | International Health Group, Inc. www.ihgcna.net | (858) 278-9800 |
San Mateo | San Mateo | Careway Health Institute www.carewayhealth.com | (650) 627-4685 |
San Mateo | San Mateo | Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts www.gurnick.edu | (650) 931-6684 |
Contra Costa | San Pablo | Contra Costa College www.contracosta.edu | (510) 235-7800 |
Marin | San Rafael | Rafael Convalescent www.therafael.net | (415) 479-3450 |
San Diego | San Ysidro | San Ysidro Adult School sya.sweetwaterschools.org | (619) 934-6605 |
Fresno | Sanger | Valley ROP/Sanger High School sangeradult.sanger.k12.ca.us | (559) 524-7121 |
Orange | Santa Ana | QBICS Career College www.qbics.us | (714) 550-1052 |
Orange | Santa Ana | Summit Career College www.summitcollege.edu | (714) 635-6232 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | Alto Lucero Transitional Care altolucerotransitionalcare.com | (805) 687-6651 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | Mission Terrace Convalescent Hospital www.missionterracesb.com | (805) 682-7443 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara City College www.sbcc.edu | (805) 965-0581 |
Santa Clara | Santa Clara | Nurse Builders Academy www.nursebuilderacademy.com | (408) 970-5025 |
Santa Clara | Santa Clara | Mission College missioncollege.edu | (408) 748-2750 |
Los Angeles | Santa Clarita | College of the Canyons | (661) 362-3214 |
Los Angeles | Santa Fe Springs | Medical Allied Career Center, Inc. www.medicalalliedcareercenter.com | (562) 807-2420 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Maria | Allan Hancock College www.hancockcollege.edu | (805) 922-6966 |
Los Angeles | Santa Monica | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (310) 394-3773 |
Los Angeles | Santa Monica | Wise Caregiver Training Academy wiseandhealthyaging.org | (310) 394-9871 |
Sonoma | Santa Rosa | Santa Rosa Junior College www.santarosa.edu | (707) 527-4271 |
Sonoma | Santa Rosa | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
San Diego | Santee | Grossmont Health Occupations Center hoc.guhsd.net | (619) 956-4300 |
Fresno | Selma | Valley ROP/Selma High School www.selmausd.org/selma | (559) 876-2122 |
Ventura | Simi Valley | Simi Valley Adult School | (805) 579-6200 |
Monterey | Soledad | Mission Trails Regional Occupational Program www.salinasuhsd.org | (831) 675-0105 |
Sonoma | Sonoma | Golden Living Training Center | (559) 977-1257 |
Tuolumne | Sonora | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 532-4113 |
Los Angeles | South Gate | Advanced College www.advancedcollege.edu | (562) 408-6969 |
Los Angeles | South Gate | Technical College | (323) 587-2364 |
San Mateo | South San Francisco | Unitek College www.unitekcollege.edu | (650) 871-0701 |
Orange | Stanton | Sri Sai Krish Institute www.sskinstitute.org | (714) 890-7023 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | Xavier College www.xavier-college.com | (209) 941-0968 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | Good Samaritan Rehab & Care Center | (209) 948-8762 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | Bradford Career Center bradfordcareer.org | (209) 430-8743 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | Future Career Academy LLC futurecareeracademy.net | (916) 895-6095 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | Golden Living Training Center | (209) 478-4704 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | San Joaquin Delta College www.deltacollege.edu | (209) 954-5454 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | De Brabander California College of Nursing www.dbccnursing.com | (209) 898-4274 |
Santa Clara | Sunnyvale | Sunnyvale-Cupertino Adult Community Education ace.fuhsd.org | (408) 522-2739 |
Los Angeles | Sylmar | Los Angeles Mission College www.lamission.edu | (818) 363-7698 |
Riverside | Temecula | Temecula Valley School of Nursing www.temeculavalleyschoolofnursing.com | (951) 296-2588 |
San Luis Obispo | Templeton | Vineyard Hills Health Center vineyardhillshealth.com | (805) 434-3035 |
Fresno | Tollhouse | Sierra High School/Fresno ROP | (559) 855-8311 |
Los Angeles | Torrance | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (310) 225-2900 |
Los Angeles | Torrance | Southern California Regional Occupational Center www.socalroc.com | (310) 224-4200 |
Los Angeles | Torrance | Homestead Schools, Inc. www.homesteadschools.net | (310) 791-9975 |
Tulare | Tulare | Tulare Adult School www.tulareadultschool.net | (559) 686-0225 |
Stanislaus | Turlock | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (209) 632-7577 |
Stanislaus | Turlock | First Lady Permanente LLC Education Center | (209) 250-1200 |
Stanislaus | Turlock | Turlock Unified School District www.turlock.k12.ca.us | (209) 667-0643 |
Solano | Vallejo | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (707) 557-7173 |
Solano | Vallejo | Vallejo Nursing School vallejonursinginstitute.com | (707) 557-7173 |
Solano | Vallejo | Heritage School of Nursing vallejonursinginstitute.com/ | (707) 641-1051 |
LOS ANGELES | Van Huys | A+ Health Care Training www.aplusnursingschool.com | (818) 387-6844 |
Los Angeles | Van Nuys | Preferred College of Nursing Van Nuys www.pcn.edu | (818) 902-3708 |
Ventura | Ventura | Ventura College www.venturacollege.edu | (805) 654-6342 |
Ventura | Ventura | Trinity School of Nursing www.trinityschoolofnursing.com | (805) 654-1500 |
San Bernardino | Victorville | Victor Valley College vvc.edu/ | (760) 245-4271 |
Tulare | Visalia | Visalia Adult School | (559) 730-7602 |
Tulare | Visalia | Visalia Charter Independent Study www.vciseagles.org | (559) 735-8055 |
Tulare | Visalia | Milan Institute milaninstitute.edu | (559) 684-3900 |
Tulare | Visalia | College of the Sequoias www.cos.edu | (209) 730-3732 |
San Diego | Vista | Brightwood College Vista www.brightwood.edu | (760) 305-0233 |
Los Angeles | Walnut | Mt. San Antonio College www.mtsac.edu | (909) 594-5611 |
Los Angeles | Walnut | Windsor School of Nursing Assistants www.windsorschoolofnursing.com | (626) 810-0058 |
Contra Costa | Walnut Creek | Hillendale Home Care www.hillendale.net | (925) 933-8181 |
Kern | Wasco | North Kern Vocational Training Center nkvtc.org | (661) 758-3045 |
Santa Cruz | Watsonville | Monsbey College www.monsbey.com | (831) 786-0531 |
Los Angeles | West Covina | East San Gabriel ROP Morning Program www.esgvrop.org | (626) 962-508 |
Los Angeles | West Hills | Valley College of Medical Careers www.valleycollegeofmedicalcareers.info | (818) 883-9002 |
Los Angeles | Westlake Village | Professional Medical Careers Institute of California | (805) 497-4064 |
Los Angeles | Whittier | LA/Tri-Cities ROP www.tricitiesrop.org | (562) 698-9571 |
Los Angeles | Whittier | Professional Career Development Center | (562) 485-1487 |
Los Angeles | Whittier | Rio Hondo Community College www.riohondo.edu | (562) 908-3421 |
Colusa | Williams | Valley West Care Center valleywestcc.com | (916) 473-5321 |
Mendocino | Willits | Northbrook Healthcare Center orthbrooknursing.com | (707) 459-5592 |
Los Angeles | Wilmington | Los Angeles Harbor College www.lahc.edu | (310) 233-4262 |
Los Angeles | Woodland Hills | Lausd Dace West Valley Occupational Center www.wvoc.net | (818) 346-3540 |
Los Angeles | Woodland Hills | Trinity School of Nursing www.trinityschoolofnursing.com | (805) 654-1500 |
Siskiyou | Yreka | College of the Siskiyous www.siskiyous.edu | (530) 841-5929 |
Sutter | Yuba City | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (530) 673-1460 |
Sutter | Yuba City | Sutter County One Stop www.sutteronestop.com | (530) 822-2952 |
San Bernardino | Yucaipa | Braswell's Community Convalescent www.braswellscommunity.powersites.net | (909) 795-2421 |
San Bernardino | Yucca Valley | Desert Manor | (760) 365-0717 |
60 CNA Evening Programs in California
The following table includes 60 schools offering state-approved CNA evening classes in California:
County | City | CNA Evening Program | Phone |
Los Angeles | Artesia | Angeles Institute | (562) 531-4100 |
Placer | Auburn | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (530) 889-0707 |
Placer | Auburn | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Kern | Bakersfield | Vena Health Education Institute www.venahealth.net | (661) 861-1482 |
Contra Costa | Bay Point | Advanced Medical School of Nursing 4amsn.com | (925) 458-4980 |
Los Angeles | Burbank | Burbank Adult School | (818) 558-4611 |
San Mateo | Burlingame | Niles College www.nilescollegellc.com | (650) 212-3100 |
Los Angeles | Canoga Park | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Los Angeles | Carson | Atrium School www.atriumnursingschool.webs.com | (310) 251-5965 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | Chula Vista Adult School - Fredericka cva.sweetwaterschools.org | (619) 691-5500 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Lake | Clear Lake | Lake County Office of Education www.lakecoe.org | (707) 995-9523 |
San Bernardino | Colton | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Los Angeles | Commerce | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Contra Costa | Concord | American College of Nursing | (925) 689-9900 |
Los Angeles | Culver City | West Los Angeles College Allied Health Center www.wlac.edu | (310) 287-4464 |
Yolo | Davis | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (866) 623-1183 |
San Diego | El Cajon | Western Medical Training Center wmtc.info | (619) 384-9335 |
Sacramento | Elk Grove | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Solano | Fairfield | Northbay Nursing Institute www.northbaynursing.com | (707) 399-9456 |
Alameda | Fremont | Medical Career College www.medcareercollege.com | (510) 445-0319 |
Fresno | Fresno | Duncan Polytechnical High School/ROP www.fresnou.org/schools/duncan | (559) 248-7080 |
Los Angeles | Gardena | Gerthill Allied Health School www.gerthillalliedhealthschool-gcoo.com | (424) 329-3030 |
Los Angeles | Glendale | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (818) 539-9931 |
Los Angeles | Glendora | Azusa Adult School www.azusaadult.edu | (626) 852-8400 |
Alameda | Hayward | Academy of Health Careers www.academyofhealthcareer.com | (510) 712-4009 |
Los Angeles | Inglewood | Care Training Services dev.caretrainingsvcs.com | (310) 674-1701 |
Los Angeles | La Puente | Hacienda La Puente Adult Education www.hlpae.com | (626) 934-2800 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Santa Clara | Los Altos | Presto Vocational Institute prestonursing.com | (650) 961-9988 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Genova Health Institute www.genovahealthinstitute.com | (213) 383-7487 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Zero-Max Career Institute zeromaxci.com | (323) 570-4127 |
Los Angeles | Lynwood | Lynwood Community Adult School lcas.lynwood.k12.ca.us | (310) 604-3096 |
Santa Clara | Milpitas | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (408) 719-8100 |
San Diego | National City | National City Adult School nca.sweetwaterschools.org | (619) 336-9400 |
San Bernardino | Ontario | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Los Angeles | Paramount | InfoTech Career College www.infotech.edu | (562) 804-1239 |
Contra Costa | Pinole | Nightingale Healthcare Professionals | (510) 964-9210 |
Contra Costa | Pittsburg | Advanced Medical School of Nursing 4amsn.com | (925) 458-4980 |
Kern | Ridgecrest | Cerro Coso Community College www.cerrocoso.edu | (760) 384-6333 |
Riverside | Riverside | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | SacMed Training www.sacmedtraining.com | (916) 226-5427 |
Calaveras | San Andreas | Avalon Training Center www.avalonhealthcare.com | (209) 754-4122 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (909) 380-7255 |
San Diego | San Diego | International Health Group, Inc. www.ihgcna.net | (858) 278-9800 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | South Bay School of Nursing www.thesouthbayschoolofnursing.com | (408) 564-7242 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
Alameda | San Leandro | VIP Nursing School, Inc. www.vipnursing.net | (510) 481-0240 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara City College www.sbcc.edu | (805) 965-0581 |
Los Angeles | Santa Monica | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (310) 394-3773 |
Sonoma | Santa Rosa | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
San Joaquin | Stockton | De Brabander California College of Nursing www.dbccnursing.com | (209) 898-4274 |
Santa Clara | Sunnyvale | Sunnyvale-Cupertino Adult Community Education ace.fuhsd.org | (408) 522-2739 |
Riverside | Temecula | Temecula Valley School of Nursing www.temeculavalleyschoolofnursing.com | (951) 296-2588 |
Los Angeles | Torrance | Homestead Schools, Inc. www.homesteadschools.net | (310) 791-9975 |
Solano | Vallejo | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (707) 557-7173 |
Solano | Vallejo | Vallejo Nursing School vallejonursinginstitute.com | (707) 557-7173 |
Solano | Vallejo | Heritage School of Nursing vallejonursinginstitute.com/ | (707) 641-1051 |
Santa Cruz | Watsonville | Monsbey College www.monsbey.com | (831) 786-0531 |
44 CNA Weekend Programs in California
The schools in the following table offer state-approved CNA weekend classes in California:
County | City | CNA Weekend Program | Phone |
Placer | Auburn | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Los Angeles | Canoga Park | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Los Angeles | Carson | Atrium School www.atriumnursingschool.webs.com | (310) 251-5965 |
San Diego | Chula Vista | Eastlake Medical College www.eastlakemedicalcollege.com | (619) 616-5833 |
San Bernardino | Colton | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Los Angeles | Commerce | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Contra Costa | Concord | American College of Nursing | (925) 689-9900 |
Riverside | Corona | Pacific Times Healthcare College www.pthcedu.com | (951) 734-1601 |
Yolo | Davis | College of Medical Arts www.cmaschool.org | (866) 623-1183 |
San Diego | El Cajon | Western Medical Training Center wmtc.info | (619) 384-9335 |
Sacramento | Elk Grove | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Los Angeles | Glendale | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (818) 539-9931 |
LOS ANGELES | Glendale | ADL Nursing School adlnursingschool14.com | (818) 539-0945 |
Alameda | Hayward | Academy of Health Careers www.academyofhealthcareer.com | (510) 712-4009 |
Los Angeles | Long Beach | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (800) 627-7000 |
Santa Clara | Los Altos | Presto Vocational Institute prestonursing.com | (650) 961-9988 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Genova Health Institute www.genovahealthinstitute.com | (213) 383-7487 |
Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Angeles Vocational Institute - Wknd | (213) 480-4882 |
Santa Clara | Milpitas | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (408) 719-8100 |
Riverside | Moreno Valley | Pacific Times Healthcare College www.pthcedu.com | (951) 656-4400 |
Alameda | Oakland | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
San Diego | Oceanside | Healthcare Academy of California healthcareacademycalifornia.com | (760) 232-4050 |
San Bernardino | Ontario | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Los Angeles | Paramount | InfoTech Career College www.infotech.edu | (562) 804-1239 |
Contra Costa | Pinole | Nightingale Healthcare Professionals | (510) 964-9210 |
Riverside | Riverside | Best American Healthcare University www.bestamericanhealthed.com | (951) 637-8332 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | Kash Career College www.kashcareercollege.com | (916) 978-0700 |
Sacramento | Sacramento | SacMed Training www.sacmedtraining.com | (916) 226-5427 |
San Bernardino | San Bernardino | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (909) 380-7255 |
San Diego | San Diego | Pacific Health Educational Center www.pacifichealthedu.info | (858) 658-0362 |
San Diego | San Diego | California Medical College www.californiamedicalcollege.edu | (858) 357-8800 |
San Diego | San Diego | International Health Group, Inc. www.ihgcna.net | (858) 278-9800 |
San Francisco | San Francisco | American Care Quest | (415) 885-9100 |
Santa Clara | San Jose | South Bay School of Nursing www.thesouthbayschoolofnursing.com | (408) 564-7242 |
San Mateo | San Mateo | Careway Health Institute www.carewayhealth.com | (650) 627-4685 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara City College www.sbcc.edu | (805) 965-0581 |
Los Angeles | Santa Monica | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (310) 394-3773 |
Sonoma | Santa Rosa | American Red Cross www.redcrossblood.org | (707) 577-7611 |
Riverside | Temecula | Temecula Valley School of Nursing www.temeculavalleyschoolofnursing.com | (951) 296-2588 |
Los Angeles | Torrance | Homestead Schools, Inc. www.homesteadschools.net | (310) 791-9975 |
Solano | Vallejo | International School of Nursing www.intlsch-nursing.org | (707) 557-7173 |
Los Angeles | Van Nuys | Preferred College of Nursing Van Nuys www.pcn.edu | (818) 902-3708 |
Los Angeles | Walnut | Windsor School of Nursing Assistants www.windsorschoolofnursing.com | (626) 810-0058 |
Santa Cruz | Watsonville | Monsbey College www.monsbey.com | (831) 786-0531 |
Step 3: Pass the State Exam
There are two paths for demonstrating competency as a California nursing assistant and both are via CNA tests. One is to take and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) Examination, administered by Pearson VUE. The other path is to register for the California Nurse Assistant Competency Examination which is administered by the American Red Cross.
NNAAP Examination
The NNAAP is a two-part exam that evaluates your knowledge, skills, and abilities after completing a CNA training program, including a written (or oral) examination and a skills evaluation. You must pass both parts to qualify for certification.
The Written or Oral Examination
The written examination consists of 70 multiple-choice questions. The oral examination can be taken in lieu of the written examination if you have difficulty reading English. It consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and 10 multiple-choice reading comprehension questions.
The Skills Evaluation
You will perform five randomly selected nursing assistant skills within 25 minutes. A Nursing Assistant Evaluator will do the evaluation. Each student will need to act as a volunteer for another student’s Skills Evaluation exam.
You must take the NNAAP Examination within two years of completing the training program. Once you pass both parts of the exam and the fingerprint background check, the California Department of Public Health will mail you a CNA certificate.
Red Cross – California Nurse Assistant Competency Examination
The American Red Cross California Nurse Assistant Competency Examination also has two parts – a skills test and a written test. Once you pass both parts of the exam and receive a Department of Justice fingerprint clearance, the California Department of Public Health will mail a Certified Nursing Assistant certificate to you. Like the NNAAP exam, you have two years to pass both parts of the exam after submitting the initial application and required documentation.
Written Test – This portion of the test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.
Skills Test – The student demonstrates four skills and knowledge of the Six Principles of Care. These principles are dignity, infection control, safety, communication, independence, and privacy.
Online Practice Written Exam
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing provides a practice Written Examination. It is wise to take the practice exam and to time yourself. Two hours are allotted for the real exam, so allow yourself two hours to take the practice version.
CNA Exam Application and Fees
Pearson VUE has two Regional Testing Centers – one in Santa Barbara and another in Huntington Beach. However, each Regional Testing Center manages multiple CNA testing centers for student convenience. When registering to take a state exam:
- Send your Registration Application with a money order, cashier’s check, or company check to the Regional Testing Center, indicating where and when you would like to take the exam.
- Attach a copy of a CDPH approval letter (932 form), if available.
- Send the application so that it will be received by the Regional Testing Center at least 10 business days before the examination.
- You will receive a confirmation in the mail.
The 2017 CNA exam fees that must be mailed with the application are as follows:
- Written Examination and Skills Evaluation: $100
- Oral Examination and Skills Evaluation: $115
- Written Examination only: $35
- Oral Examination only: $50
- Skills Evaluation only: $65
What to Bring to the Exam
Arrive 15 minutes before the CNA test is scheduled to begin. Each testing student needs to bring certain items to each exam:
- Original Social Security card that is not laminated
- Valid government-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license, DMV Identification Card, passport, U.S. Military ID card, or Permanent Resident Visa or Alien Registration card
- Application for Nursing Assistant Certification (HS 283B) with the original RN signature dated after training was completed or an original CDPH Approval Letter with an embossed CDPH stamp
- Non-skid shoes
- Watch with a second hand
- Two sharpened No. 2 pencils
- Eraser
No electronic devices are allowed, but you can bring a Translation Dictionary as long as it does not have definitions or written notations in it.
State and federal regulations allow three attempts to pass the written (or oral) examination and the skills evaluation. In other words, you can try three times to pass either exam, but you must pass both within three attempts each in order to get CNA certification. Anyone who fails one or both parts of the test after three attempts must go through state-approved CNA training again before being allowed to re-take both parts of the test. It is necessary to pay the retesting fee each time you take one or both exam sections.
The regulations state that testers must take and pass both parts of the examination within two years (24 months) of completing CNA training to qualify for placement on the California Nursing Assistant Registry. The Registry is where state agencies and employers can conduct Certified Nursing Assistant verification.
Step 4: CNA Registry and Certification Renewal
CNA applicants are not certified until they pass a criminal background check. However, applicants may work while the criminal record review is in progress, as long as the CNA Initial Application and the completed Request for Live Scan Services have been submitted to the CDPH, and the student has successfully completed a Competency Evaluation.
List on the CNA Registry
Once you have successfully passed the NNAAP Examination (or the American Red Cross California Nurse Assistant Competency Examination) and a criminal background check, the CDPH will send you a certification notice upon notification by the examiners that you passed. At that point you are listed on the California Nursing Assistant Registry which is your main proof of CNA certification in California.
You must renew the CNA certification every two years to remain on the California Certified Nurse Aide Registry, but there is some leeway in the timing of the CNA renewal within the two-year period if certain conditions exist by the end of the two-year period when the certification expires:
- You have received and maintained criminal clearance for Certified Nursing Assistant, Home Health Aide, Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled (DD), DD Nursing, or DD Habilitative (4-15 bed facility), and
- You provided paid nursing or nursing-related services in a facility for residents within the two-year period, and
- You can submit documentation proving you completed 48-hours of in-service training or CEUs for CNA within the two-year certification period. You must complete 12 of the 48 hours in each year of the two-year period.
Continuing Education Units for Renewal
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available at hundreds of providers for CNA renewal. It is important to earn the CEUs at a State of California approved continuing education provider. A list is available online on the CDPH website.
Up to 24 hours of the 48 hours of in-service training required to stay on the CNA registry can be earned online as computer training. Once again, it is important to utilize a provider that is approved by the CDPH. The providers of online continuing education programs for CNAs are listed here. Maintain good records because you must provide proof of CEUs when it is time to renew certification.
Lapsed or Expired Certification
The certification lapses if you do not get paid for CNA work over the 24 months. For this reason, it is critical to keep good records concerning your work history. You can either verify your certification status online or call the California Certification Unit at 916-327-2445 to check on your status with the Nurse Aide Registry at any time. Employers can also use these two methods to do CNA license verification in California.
If the certification expires, you will need to re-test and pass both parts of the CNA exam.
Certification via Reciprocity
A CNA who is certified in another state may qualify for certification in the state of California by meeting certain conditions:
- The out-of-state certification must meet the competency evaluation requirements of OBRA ’87 -the Federal Home Reform Act – which establishes the national minimum set of standards of care and rights for residents of certified nursing.
- The out-of-state registry listing must be active and in good standing.
- The CNA must pass a State of California fingerprint background check.
The California Department of Public Health determines whether the CNA can be placed onto the California Nursing Assistant Registry through reciprocity. To start the CDPH review, complete the Certified Nursing Assistant And/Or Home Health Aide Initial Application and submit the following documentation:
- Copy of the state-issued certificate
- Proof of paid work providing nursing services in the last two years if the certification was received more than two years ago
- Copy of the completed Live Scan Services form (BCIA 8016)
- Completed Verification of Current Nurse Assistant Certification (CDPH 931)
- Completed Initial Application form (CDPH 2838)
All of these forms are available on the CDPH website at www.cdph.ca.gov.
Step 5: Pursue a CNA Career in California
A Certified Nursing Assistant works in a variety of medical facilities, offering many employment options. The employment outlook in California is strong, but there are many jobs available in every state, and most states have CNA reciprocity. The transferability of certification and skills makes this profession very appealing.
Where to Work
Typical places of employment include:
- Assisted living facilities
- Mental health facilities
- Hospitals
- Nursing and convalescent homes
- Private homes
- Health clinics
- Employment services (CNA works as a temporary employee where needed)
Typical Duties of the CNA
The CNA has an interesting and varied set of duties regarding maintaining the welfare and safety of patients. Typical duties include:
- Responding to patients’ calls for assistance to determine specific needs
- Assisting patients with daily living activities, including exercising, using the toilet, walking, standing, transporting from one area to another while using assistive devices like a wheelchair, and assisting patients on crutches or those using walkers
- Positioning and re-positioning patients who are bedridden
- Measuring and recording liquid and food intake
- Measuring and recording fecal and urinary output
- Taking and recording vital signs, including temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiration rate
- Examining patients for symptoms that indicate medical issues, such as bed sores or blood in the urine
- Following the directions of medical staff concerning patient needs and care
- Reminding patients to take medicines or supplements
- Observing, documenting, and reporting patient symptoms, complaints, preferences, needs, and behaviors
- Providing emotional support to patients and their family and friends
- Utilizing various medical technologies like electronic thermometers, glucose monitors, therapeutic heating or cooling pads, etc.
- Dispose of biomedical waste per federal and state standards
- Cleaning patient rooms
- Interviewing patients to collect medical information
- Preparing medical instruments or equipment for use by medical staff
- Utilizing computer software for accounting, medical record keeping, spreadsheeting, and word processing
This is a physically demanding job and at times an emotionally demanding one as well. Also, like any professional caring for patients, the CNA is potentially exposed to certain diseases and infections. State-approved training programs cover physical and emotional self-care, as well as patient care and patient safety.
Job Outlook and Salaries
California is an excellent state for CNA jobs. Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, California has one of the highest employment levels in this occupation (Code 31-1014 Nursing Assistants, excluding Home Health Aides) as of May 2016. The estimated employment growth for the period 2012-2022 is 23.6 percent for the state, which exceeds the projected national job outlook for 2014-2024 of 17 percent. In California and nation-wide, the job growth for CNAs is much faster than the average growth rate for all jobs in the country. | See Job Openings
For 2016, the national average hourly wage is $13.29 or $27,650 annually. In California, the average hourly wage is $15.76 or $32,770 annually, making the CNA salary in California 18.5% higher than the national average. The lowest 10% of CNAs earn $22,610 which is the starting pay for people with no or little experience. The top 10% of Certified Nursing Assistants in California earn $47,790, indicating there is plenty of room for wage growth over time. | See Job Openings
Best Paying Regions for CNAs in California
The location of employment influences the Certified Nursing Assistant’s salary. The top five paying areas for CNAs in terms of average annual wages are:
- San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division: $45,410
- San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA: $38,600
- Sacramento–Roseville–Arden-Arcade, CA: $37,600
- Stockton-Lodi, CA: $37,470
- San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA: $36,930
California CNA Salary Table
CA CNA Salaries | Empl. | Hourly mean wage | Annual mean wage | Wage percent relative std. error | Hourly 10th % wage | Hourly median wage | Hourly 90th % wage | Annual 10th % wage | Annual median wage | Annual 90th % wage |
National | 1443150 | 13.29 | 27650 | 0.2 | 9.64 | 12.78 | 18.22 | 20040 | 26590 | 37900 |
California | 99140 | 15.76 | 32770 | 1.2 | 10.87 | 14.56 | 22.98 | 22610 | 30280 | 47790 |
Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA Metropolitan Division | 7280 | 14.26 | 29670 | 3.0 | 10.88 | 13.63 | 18.74 | 22630 | 28350 | 38990 |
Bakersfield, CA | 1600 | 12.98 | 26990 | 2.2 | 10.12 | 12.19 | 17.27 | 21050 | 25350 | 35930 |
Chico, CA | 890 | 13.99 | 29100 | 2.7 | 10.72 | 13.56 | 18.22 | 22300 | 28210 | 37890 |
El Centro, CA | 140 | 13.86 | 28840 | 4.0 | 10.95 | 13.63 | 17.66 | 22770 | 28350 | 36740 |
Fresno, CA | 2920 | 13.63 | 28350 | 3.3 | 10.48 | 12.83 | 18.29 | 21800 | 26680 | 38030 |
Hanford-Corcoran, CA | 290 | 12.72 | 26450 | 3.9 | 10.47 | 12.63 | 14.98 | 21770 | 26280 | 31150 |
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA | 37700 | 15.02 | 31250 | 1.6 | 10.83 | 14.12 | 21.09 | 22530 | 29360 | 43880 |
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA Metropolitan Division | 30420 | 15.21 | 31630 | 2.1 | 10.82 | 14.29 | 21.46 | 22510 | 29720 | 44640 |
Madera, CA | 290 | 13.70 | 28500 | 2.1 | 10.53 | 13.06 | 17.65 | 21900 | 27170 | 36710 |
Merced, CA | 420 | 13.10 | 27250 | 5.0 | 10.41 | 12.19 | 17.63 | 21660 | 25350 | 36670 |
Modesto, CA | 1460 | 14.88 | 30960 | 6.5 | 10.63 | 13.73 | 21.84 | 22100 | 28550 | 45430 |
Mother Lode Region of California nonmetropolitan area | 360 | 16.18 | 33660 | 5.9 | 12.85 | 16.55 | 19.26 | 26720 | 34430 | 40070 |
Napa, CA | 430 | 17.05 | 35450 | 4.3 | 13.16 | 18.13 | 21.58 | 27370 | 37710 | 44880 |
North Coast Region of California nonmetropolitan area | 540 | 13.51 | 28110 | 2.3 | 10.45 | 12.57 | 18.73 | 21730 | 26150 | 38970 |
North Valley Region of California nonmetropolitan area | 200 | 17.48 | 36360 | 10.6 | 11.36 | 17.44 | 23.85 | 23630 | 36280 | 49610 |
Northern Mountains Region of California nonmetropolitan area | 550 | 15.08 | 31360 | 3.9 | 11.76 | 14.15 | 20.01 | 24460 | 29440 | 41620 |
Oakland-Hayward-Berkeley, CA Metropolitan Division | 7720 | 16.76 | 34860 | 3.5 | 10.91 | 16.09 | 26.60 | 22690 | 33470 | 55320 |
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA | 1520 | 15.18 | 31570 | 3.7 | 11.19 | 14.12 | 22.14 | 23280 | 29370 | 46040 |
Redding, CA | 630 | 14.64 | 30450 | 2.1 | 11.70 | 14.16 | 18.68 | 24340 | 29440 | 38860 |
Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA | 8620 | 14.96 | 31110 | 2.6 | 10.42 | 13.88 | 21.71 | 21680 | 28860 | 45160 |
Sacramento--Roseville--Arden-Arcade, CA | 4790 | 18.08 | 37600 | 3.8 | 11.32 | 18.16 | 24.66 | 23550 | 37780 | 51290 |
Salinas, CA | 680 | 16.76 | 34860 | 6.7 | 12.54 | 15.36 | 24.86 | 26080 | 31950 | 51710 |
San Diego-Carlsbad, CA | 8850 | 15.47 | 32170 | 3.4 | 11.04 | 14.44 | 22.17 | 22970 | 30030 | 46110 |
San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA | 12930 | 18.56 | 38600 | 4.6 | 11.43 | 17.39 | 28.66 | 23770 | 36160 | 59610 |
San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division | 4640 | 21.83 | 45410 | 5.8 | 14.56 | 20.52 | 31.90 | 30290 | 42670 | 66350 |
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA | 4570 | 17.75 | 36930 | 5.0 | 12.61 | 16.05 | 26.80 | 26220 | 33390 | 55750 |
San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles-Arroyo Grande, CA | 700 | 13.72 | 28530 | 3.0 | 10.53 | 12.76 | 18.03 | 21910 | 26540 | 37500 |
San Rafael, CA Metropolitan Division | 570 | 16.31 | 33920 | 3.2 | 12.28 | 15.61 | 21.98 | 25550 | 32460 | 45720 |
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA | - | 14.85 | 30890 | 9.6 | 10.99 | 13.66 | 22.19 | 22860 | 28410 | 46160 |
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA | 1100 | 16.43 | 34180 | 2.7 | 11.96 | 16.23 | 22.18 | 24880 | 33750 | 46140 |
Santa Rosa, CA | 1140 | 15.60 | 32450 | 3.4 | 10.70 | 14.46 | 23.01 | 22250 | 30070 | 47870 |
Stockton-Lodi, CA | 2030 | 18.01 | 37470 | 5.2 | 12.74 | 17.10 | 24.62 | 26490 | 35570 | 51210 |
Vallejo-Fairfield, CA | 860 | 15.58 | 32410 | 4.1 | 11.00 | 14.61 | 21.89 | 22880 | 30400 | 45520 |
Visalia-Porterville, CA | 1340 | 13.44 | 27960 | 8.3 | 10.01 | 11.71 | 19.33 | 20820 | 24350 | 40210 |
Yuba City, CA | 630 | 14.06 | 29240 | 7.1 | 10.41 | 12.91 | 19.04 | 21650 | 26850 | 39610 |
Career Paths
Some Certified Nursing Assistants remain CNAs, building successful healthcare careers through experience. Others become Home Health Aides in order to expand employment options. However, many CNAs decide to continue their education and training once they decide they enjoy the nursing field and would like to remain in it. There are several career path options:
- Develop specialized skills as a CNA in an area like pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, orthopedics, or geriatrics
- Become a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) with expanded duties
- Become a Registered Nurse (RN)
There is a growing demand for Certified Nursing Assistants for many reasons. A top reason is the aging U.S. population. This is a trend across the nation, but California’s elderly population is projected to grow more than twice as fast as the elderly population in the rest of the country. From 1990 to 2020, the rate of increase in people over 60 years old is 112%, and 11 counties are projected to experience a growth rate of 150%. The growth rate of the oldest old, or people over 85 years old, is expected to be higher than the growth rate for people over 60.
A growing elderly population means more people will require care in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and long-term care facilities. Additionally, the healthcare industry is moving towards managed care in which people are moved more quickly from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities where CNAs perform important duties.
To succeed as a CNA in California, you must enjoy helping people who are disabled, elderly, sick, or injured. It is a rewarding career because CNAs are critical for ensuring the highest possible quality of life for patients and residents.
Pauline Flores says
Hi my name is Pauline Flores. I work as a care provider one jobs for 13 1/2 years and another was 7 years. I had my CNA certificate but it expired a while back. I take blood pressure also check sugar test pass out meds I have a CPR adult first aid, AED, CPI certificate. I also took a 2 hours class to be able to give out MEDS. I dress the client. I help them with there daily therapy. I work with autism bipolar schizophrenia patients. I would like to go back into nursing that is what I love also speak Spanish.